We have always strived for responsibility in our business operations and wanted concrete support and reinforcement for our environmentally friendly practices. That's why we turned to Ekokompassi (EcoCompass), and after guidance and auditing by their experts, we received the EcoCompass certification in June 2024. We are very happy, grateful, and proud to be part of promoting environmentally responsible business practices. We believe that by developing our operations in a more responsible direction, we not only strengthen our own business but also that of our customers who share the same values of environmental responsibility.

EcoCompass is a domestic environmental management system owned by Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto (Finnish Association for Nature Conservation), providing a high-quality standard tailored for operators in all sectors. Implementing the environmental management system offers clear practical benefits, including organizing environmental responsibility, risk management, monitoring legislation, and ensuring transparency.

Welcome to host responsible events with us! 

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