The service is undergoing maintenance work, during which temporary disruptions may occur.

Central locations in Helsinki

Metro stations, trams, buses, parking garages, restaurants and accommodation right next door.


With expertise

With the proficiency of over 80,000 events, and years of experience, we take care of the practical arrangements for you.

Here are some of the almost 30 key personnel:

Kare Casals
Kare CasalsCEO & Founder
Arbitration proceedings & special events. Technology & Security. Finances & development.
Katriina Tammi
Katriina TammiCommercial Director
Marketing & Sales.
Big clients.
Operational management: OASIS.
Eela Matilainen
Eela MatilainenCustomer Service Manager
Customer service.
Monthly Contracts.
Operational management: KAMPPI.
Tuuli Ojanperä
Tuuli OjanperäHR & Customer Service Coordinator
Tiia Vasko
Tiia VaskoEvent & Meeting Coordinator
Events and Large occasions.
Jenni Suutarinen
Jenni SuutarinenBilling & Customer Service Coordinator
Sales invoicing & Ledger.

firstname.lastname (a)

Tech support: 
+358 (0)10 5011 510
support (a)

check from here

Book an appointment for a presentation, or ask for more information:

In the heart of Helsinki - along the metro line.

Meeting Park is a unique environment.

Meeting Park logo

Meeting Park OASIS
Itämerenkatu 14
Google Maps

 +358 10 5011 502 
mon-fri 08-18
24/7 by reservation

Meeting Park KAMPPI
Salomonkatu 5 C
Google Maps

 +358 10 5011 504
  mon-fri 08-16
24/7 by reservation

ToimistoSissit suosittelee

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Business Meeting Park Ltd. is Finnish private company founded in 2010 with a vision of unique base of operations for businesses.

We provide in a warm & safe environment all meeting, event and working spaces, and all related services, with strong know-how and expertise of over 100.000 meetings and 2.700 business clients. Welcome!

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